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Winchester Thurston School

WT. Smart.

Contact Information

4225 Middle Road
Allison Park, PA 15101

About Winchester Thurston School

Winchester Thurston leads the way in educational innovation, rigorous academics, scholarly standards, and a learning environment that better prepares students for the challenges of a changing world. Nationally recognized for work with gifted and talented students, distinctive campuses, and innovative programs, WT is a school in which students achieve at the highest levels. Our learning environment is dynamic and engaging, and students are excited about achievement as they become intellectually confident critical thinkers, able researchers, and knowledgeable problem solvers. Our inquiry-based Pre-K and Kindergarten program integrates academic and social learning, featuring small classes, early childhood experts, and a 7-acre campus with natural playground. The elementary program, grades 1-5, is an academically rigorous college prep curriculum with accelerated and enrichment classes, science and nature studies at the pond, and the Responsive Classroom approach.
